
Grand Opening Celebration May 3rd! (Big Sale Also)

grand opening 2Happy Monday!

We are excited for a May 1st start at 5:30 am the new Belmont Studio (603 Harbor Blvd). There will be a new 9:30 am Thursday session starting on our first day at the new location.

See the Shamp’s Boot Camps Facebook Page for updates on the transition and new location.

Please save the date (5/3) for our Grand Opening Party (10:15 – 2 p.m.). We will be celebrating our new location at 603 Harbor in Belmont. At 10:15 a.m. there will be a FREE 60 – Minute Tony Robbins Peak Performance Workshop by one of Tony’s Trainer’s. We will also have exercise workshops through the day:

11:30-11:50 am- Self Massage Workshop
12:00- 12:20- TRX & Core Workout
12:30-12:50- Battle Rope & Rip Trainer Workout
1-1:20- Climbing Workout (rock climbing wall, ropes, monkey bars, cargo net, military obstacles)
1:30-1:50- Core Workout

*Obstacle Course will be available throughout the day starting at 11:30 am.

*There will be a jumpy house for the kids starting at 10:15 am.

Lastly, you will be able to take advantage of our Special Grand Opening Sale to be announced soon.

RSVP by May 1st here–> RSVP

Your child can start the Youth Obstacle Boot Camp (YOBC) at any time for 50% OFF. You can see photos & videos here–> Youth Obstacle Boot Camp Facebook Page.

The YOBC Program now allows kids 5-8 years old to join the 3:30 pm program.

For more information and to register go to:www.YouthObstacleBootCamp.com

The Trail Run & Hike Group will meet Saturday 3rd (7:30 am):  Cross Country Trail off Ralston in Belmont:Directions

We will do between 4-8 miles. You can do more or less, walk, jog or sprint 🙂

For the weekly trail schedule and directions go here: Trail Schedule

You can join the NEW San Mateo Boot Camp or any of the other Bay Area locations seen here: Boot Camps. Take advantage of the 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program for only $39.

Boot Camp sessions are getting full! We are no longer accepting new clients for the 6 am session at Burlingame Boot Camp.

In 3-6 months, we also hope to have a new Burlingame location where we can offer evening programs.

Please share the 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program with your family, friends and co-workers. The Grand Opening promotion is good for all locations (new clients only). This promotion will be ending soon.

More than 300 symptoms could be caused by the consumption of gluten, yet a very small percentage of the population knows it could be fueling the cause. This is why “A Grain of Truth: The Gluten Summit” is so important: To help those potentially return to health who have no idea what is fueling their ailments, including you. For more go to: Gluten Summit

We are all in need of more ideas for healthy and quick food options. My family has really enjoyed Diana Keuilian’s Family Friendly Fat Burning Food Plan (especially the kids). Check it out here–> Family Friendly Fat Burning Foods. Diana contributes the weekly recipe in this newsletter.

I am very excited to see so many of you registering for the Spartan Sprint at AT&T Park (only 3 miles). This will be a great introduction to Obstacle Course Racing. The next local Tough Mudder is in Tahoe at Northstar. For all team events go to–> Fitness Events.

Commit to a fitness event in 2014–> 2014 Team Shamp Events. Save the dates on your calendars.

In this newsletter, you will see an article called “5 Flat Tummy Myths (and 3 Steps to Tight Abs)” and a Grilled Salmon and Peach Salad recipe below.

See my latest articles here: www.BrienShamp.com

Have a great week!
