Similar Workout:
3 Phase Warm-Up:
Phase 1: Warm-Up: Perform 3 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing while lying supine: Lie on back and initiate breathing with belly–>rib cage and then chest, instead of initiating with chest. Breathe in and out of nose for approximately 15s each breath (5s inhale–> 5 s hold–> 5 s exhale). Emphasize that campers do this upon rising and going to sleep and if they want an amazing shift in their state at any time, while breathing think about 3 things they are grateful for.
Phase 2: Floor Stretches (5 min) *Work on forearm/wrist mobility
Phase 3: Core (Perform the following movements for 30s in a circuit with a 5s transition for 2 Sets (Total Time: 3:30)
*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt
*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles
- Plank-Side Plank Combo (RT Side)*Turn forearm towards right side and then go into side plank *3B’s *Head back *Lock shoulders back & down
- Plank-Side Plank Combo (LT Side)*Turn forearm towards left side and then go into side plank *3B’s *Head back *Lock shoulders back & down
- Sit Up with Overhead Reach *2B’s *Lying supine with arms overhead –> sit up and reach towards ceiling with arms straight (elbows to ears) *Wide feet- heels digging into ground with toes up *Look at abdomen *Tongue on roof of mouth *Increase intensity by holding weight
Phase 4: Review of WOD Below
*Review WOD below during Phase 3 & 4 as needed. Assign campers stations for the WOD below. After Phase 4 boot campers immediately transition to WOD. They can get water at any time on their own.
*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 50s work time, 15 rest, 4 sets, 30s transition
Alternate the following exercises two at a time for 50s each for 4 sets (15s transition time) then transition to next two movements.
- Glider Mountain Climbers (25s) and Glider Standing Hip AB/AD (need to hold onto something) or Glider Jumping Jacks (25s) *Keep Core Tight *3 B’s *Studio – Hold onto Ropeflex
- MB Sit Up Toss to Partner (25s each) *Quick Transition *Partner does a semi-circles while passing back the ball *2B’s *Wide feet- heels digging into ground with toes up *Look at abdomen *Tongue on roof of mouth
- Supine Russian Twists *MB btw knees *Anchor with arms- palms down *Extend knees to make harder *Rotate from core *3 B’s
- TRX Side Lying Groin Plank (25s each side) *Remove bottom leg so top leg does all the work *Place top leg in TRX *Keep hips stacked *Place bottom leg on ground to make easier *Keep core tight *Lock shoulders back & down- squeeze shoulder blades
- Battle Ropes: Underhand Grip Egg Beaters (25s) & T (25s) *Do your best to keep arms straight and bring out to sides *Hinge from hip *Lock shoulders back & down *2B’s
- Swiss Ball Prisoner Cobra Hold (Hold 30s) *Wide feet – walk as far forward as possible *Look straight to increase curve of neck *Lock shoulders back & down-Squeeze *2 B’s
Circle Time-Cool Down Stretches: 5 min
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