
Are You Getting Better? (Or Declining)

Hey there,

I hope you are having a great week and are ready to finish it tomorrow with a bang!

Tomorrow is the end of my new 5 Day Detox Program. I have about 60 people doing the program and I am very excited by the results I have been hearing from those who have participated in this challenge.

Many lost 3-4 pounds in 3 days, a few have lost 6 pounds in 4 days and they never counted calories or felt hungry. I am also doing the program and I have more energy and better elimination.

I wasn’t trying to lose weight and did not take my starting weight. I only modified my diet a little bit, but sometimes a little bit creates significant change.

My take home message to you is…be willing to experiment because you can always be better. Even if you think you got this nutrition thing down, it is always good to shock the system and observe what happens.

Many contact me and want change but are unwilling to change their lifestyle. Not much I can do in those situations.

If your health is declining and your body fat and weight are not, you can reverse this trend and get better with age.

I had a 5 year follow-up body fat test today in Redwood City at the Body Composition Center and I dropped 14 pounds and 4% body fat since 2007 (10 of the pounds were from fat).

The Body Composition Center uses a DXA scan, which is the state of the art mode for testing body composition. I use skinfolds, circumference measurements, photos and bioimpedance to measure body composition for my clients and they are fine for trending how you are progressing with your nutrition & lifestyle changes and exercise. However, if you really want to know how much body fat you have this DXA machine doesn’t lie.

It is the same machine they use to measure bone density and will even breakdown how much fat you have on various areas of the body. It even told me I have a little scoliosis and some degeneration of joints (which we all have). New info for me. Again, always something to learn. Here is a sample report: DXA Report

Keep experimenting and then to see how your experiments are going via testing. If you want an accurate assessment of your body composition and bone density give the Body Composition Center a call and tell them I sent you to get 10% off.

For those of you on the 5 Day Detox, can you please send me a review of the program? Given this is my first round of the program I would love your feedback to make it even better next time I launch it.

Your friend & coach,


P.S. Please share my educational content with your friends and family and help me reach my goal of 10,000 subscribers.


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I work with those who desire weight & fat loss, pain reduction and stress management through comprehensive exercise, nutrition & lifestyle strategies. My dream is to coach those who seek my help live their passions with happiness & love.

Thank you for allowing me to help you.


Check our life-changing fitness and nutrition programs to help you live your healthiest, fittest, and most energetic life ever!


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach

www.10 DayDetox.com
