
Are you interested in being a beta tester for my NEW 14 Day Detox Program?

How’s the new year coming? How’s your sleep and exercise? What nutrition plan are you following?

When I did my Master’s thesis back in 1999 (after 9 years of being a personal trainer) I thought exercise was the key to weight loss, fat loss, improved health & vitality. Why, because I liked exercise and everything I read said it was the key to increasing your metabolism and health.

After reviewing almost every exercise and nutrition study related to weight and fat loss in those days, the solution became very clear…

What you eat has a dramatic effect on your weight and fat loss results and food intake is the key variable that must be addressed!!!

My research changed my focus forever. There are many benefits of exercise and we get outstanding results in our boot camp program, BUT, unfortunately exercise by itself is not the key to weight loss, fat loss and amazing transformations 🙁

Almost every before and after photo you see (including my clients) was the result of a change in lifestyle to reduce overall stress. Some involved exercise, but ALL involved a change in nutrition habits.

So, how do you change your habits?

Now that is a loaded question with millions of different thoughts and opinions.

To keep it simple for my clients, I like to focus on education and awareness.

I have worked with thousands of people over the last 26 years and what I have learned, which you probably already know is that we really don’t listen to each other (especially our own family members). We don’t really trust one another and we tend to think we already know the answers.

We need to have pain or obstacles to be open to change. I find the above true even with my clients that pay me to help them. Those that listen and are coachable generally have experienced more pain and are open to change.

One of my successful strategies for CHANGE I adopted about 16 years ago was detoxification programs and elimination diets (to assist with the awareness of food allergies, intolerances, sensitivities and reactions).

These are short term programs designed to bring about a temporary change in habits, and with the right coaching they often provide NEW beliefs and permanent lifestyle changes, resulting in NEW outcomes (RESULTS)!

Please note, detoxification programs without the right coaching (assisting with education and awareness of the client) do not result in long-term habit changes. There is a process to this and most could use the support.

My most successful program to date has been my 21 Day Detox Program.

In only 21 days, my clients often experience a reduction of 50-75% of their complaints and lose 5-20 pounds. I also have similar results with my 10 Day Detox.

Although these programs have been great and changed the lives of thousands of people, I am always looking for new faster and better ways to improve health and fitness for myself, my family and my clients.

I have a NEW – 14 Day Detox Program that my wife and I are doing right now and we are on day 5. We generally do a detoxification program (aka cleanse) one to two times per year to kinda hit the reset program and start fresh.

This program got my interest because it is super simple and emphasizes a clean nutrition program that can be followed for life. Basically you can eat everything except grains, gluten, dairy (except butter), added sugars, alcohol and caffeine (red wine and bulletproof coffee after the detox may be fine for most). You are also supported by a cleansing smoothie and additional supplementation to assist with liver detoxification (the main filter of the body).

Given this program is new, I am looking for those who want to beta test the program. In exchange for a 15% off discount on the product and FREE Program Support (normally $40) I would like your feedback to make the program better.

You can learn more about the program and purchase here: 14 Day Detox

*Use the coupon code CLEANSE15 to get the discount and do not purchase the additional detox coaching support for $40. That is on me!

The beta test program will be good until January 31st. at midnight PST>>> 14 Day Detox

I hope to have you join the program and I look forward to your feedback.

Feel free to call me with questions: 650-654-4604

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Your friend & coach,


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