
Belmont Fitness Trainer Workout 7/26/13: 6 Station Body Weight Fat Loss Rotation

Belmont Fitness Trainer Workout 7/26/13: 6 Station Body Weight Fat Loss Rotation

3 Phase Warm-Up:

Phase 1:  Foundation Mobility Training (5 Min)

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 30s work time, 5s rest, 6 total sets for Phase 2

Phase 2: Core (Perform the following movements for 30s in a circuit with a 5s transition for 2 Sets (Total Time: 3:30)

*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt

*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles

1.     4 Point Tuck with Opp. Arm & Leg Rotation *Start on all 4’s with 3B’s– extend right arm and left leg and rotate spine to increase romàlook at hand in air and bring thumb towards midline of body (relax upper traps)àgo back to center on all 4’sàalt. sideàrepeat

2.    Dancing Crab *In bridge position on hands with feet under knees *Lift hips and reach with hand to opp. foot as leg extends in the air *Modify with basic bridge

3.    Supine Hip Opener Crunch *Start with 3 B’s, legs extended in air with toes flexed, arms overheadàCrunch and reach towards toes and open legs at same timeàgo back to startàrepeat

Phase 3: Primal Movements- Perform the following movements for 5 reps in a circuit for 1 Set

1.    Sprinters Back Lunge (5 reps each side) *Hinge from hip *Opp. arm & leg *Shoulders back & down  *2B’s *Push into ground *educate about #1

2.    Push-Ups *Wide feet *Shoulders back & down *3 B’s *educate about #4

3.    Cross-Over Lunge (5 each side) *Hands on hips-keep hips stable *Bring trail leg in back and side of other leg like a curtsey *Keep shoulders back & down & 3 B’s *Avoid going too far to side – dop straight down with trail leg *Knee in line with second toe  *educate about #3

One Minute Burpee Challenge (no push up) Here *Review burpee mechanics (3 B’s!) and then test campers. Get them to work as hard as possible and let them know we will test again in the future. Have them write down number next to name on sign in sheet and then get water


*Review WOD below during Phase 2 & 3 above and assign campers stations for the WOD below. After Phase 3 boot campers immediately transition do Burpee Challenge. They will need a short rest. You can review WOD more as needed and then transition to WOD below. They can get water at any time on their own.


WOD: Perform the following (6 Station) Primary Movements (PM) below for 40s intervals and follow with Active Rest Movement (ARM) for 40s for 3 sets each station, then rotate to next station. All Boot Campers will perform same ARM as a group; however, you can accommodate twice as many campers if half the group does the PM and the other half does ARM. Transition time is 5s between PM & ARM and so they need to move quickly.  


*You may need to cut 3rd round of cardio on some stations for time


*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 40s work time, 5s rest, 6 sets, 30s transition time after all 3 sets are complete for PM & ARM, 36 total sets for workout.

PM (40s x 3 Sets):

1.     Step-Ups with Arm Drive (20s each side) *Barely touch back foot so all weight is on front foot on step *Forward bend from hip in sprinter position *3B’s *Explode into ground

2.     DB/Plate One Arm Row *Lock  *Find stable position –up to camper *Shoulders back & down *Squeeze shoulder blades at end rom *2B’s *Hinge from hip

3.     Cross-Over Lunge (20s each side) *Hands on hips-keep hips stable *Bring trail leg in back and side of other leg like a curtsey *Keep shoulders back & down & 3 B’s *Avoid going too far to side – drop straight down with trail leg *Knee in line with second toe

4.     MB Push-Ups –Hand on top of MB (20s each side) *Another option is to roll ball back and forth-alternating sides *Hand should be on top of ball and below shoulder *Shoulders back & down *3 B’s  *Wide feet

5.     One Leg Squats with Arms & Leg Extended (20s each side) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqmYSjE6C2Y *2 B’s *Push into ground *Hold onto something to make easier

6.     MB Standing Reverse Wood Chops with Weight Shift (20s each side) *Cue knee to shoulder diagonal movement *Move from core *2B’s *Extend arms *Keep feet anchored to ground

ARM (40s x 3 Sets):

1)    Lateral Jump *2 feet jumping right to left *Relax heels *3B’s

2)    High Knee Run with Arms Straight *Touch knees to hands *Toes up *Relax heels *3B’s

3)    Forward-Forward-Back-Back *Lead with different foot every 15s *Visualize going forwards into two squares and backwards into 2 squares *Relax heels *3B’s

4)    Lateral Step with Opp. Hand to Foot *Stay low and keep wide squat position the entire 30s *Quick hand to foot switch *2B’s

5)    Lateral Frog Jumps *2B’s *Hinge from hips *Explode up *Wide feet *2B’s

6)    Wide Mountain Climbers *Wide feet *Shoulders back & down *3 B’s *Stay low

Circle Time: Cool down & stretch (5 minutes)

If you can’t see the video above go to: Boot Camp BLOG

Please add your comments below on the workout.

Try Belmont Fitness Trainer Workout for Only $29 for 3 Sessions: www.SFBayBootCamp.com

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