
Belmont Fitness Training 6/29/13: Core – Cardio Fat Loss Circuit

Belmont Fitness Training 6/29/13: Core – Cardio Fat Loss Circuit

Warm-Up: Floor Stretches (5 min) & Review of 3 Part Breathing & Abdominal Drawing In Maneuver *Explain that drawing in the belly, engaging bladder and imprinting the spine into the floor is the key set-up prior to all movements

Review WOD below.

Alternate the following core- cardio exercises two at a time for 1 min each with 15s transition for 4 rounds. After completing first 2 movements move to next two, etc. This is a 45 min workout if all goes as planned J 5 stations @ 9 min each.

*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt

*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles

1.     Cardio- X Bike (1 Min) *Need to adjust seats quick- make sure they know their setting *slight bend in knee *Stand as tolerated- increase gear when standingà Core- Oblique Crunches with Hips & Knees Flexed at 90 *look at abdomen *3B’s  (1 min) *Repeat 4 times *Transition 15s

2.     Cardio- Jump Rope (1 Min)à Core- MB Side Wall Rotations (30s each side)  *Repeat 4 times *Transition 15s

3.     Cardio- Jog in place  (1 Min)à Core- DB Standing Side Bend *Challenging Weight  (30s each side)  *Repeat 4 times *Transition 15s

4.     Cardio- Whacky Jacks (1 Min)à Core- Prisoner Swiss Ball Cobra Hold *Squeeze shoulder blades  (1 min) *Repeat 4 times *Transition 15s

5.     Cardio- Ring- Fwd-Fwd-Back- Back *each camper has their own ring *relax heels  (30s leading with each foot)  Core- TRX Pendalum *3B’s   (1 min) *Repeat 4 times *Transition 15s

Circle Time-Cool Down Stretches: 5 min

If you can’t see the video above go to: Boot Camp BLOG

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