
Fit Body Boot Camp San Mateo Fitness Training 11/26/15: Holiday Transformation Challenge Day 53: Thanksgiving Track Workout

Past similar workout: https://brienshamp.com/2013/08/27/personal-trainer-belmont-fitness-boot-camp-82413-1200-rep-bodyweight-challenge/

4 Phase Warm-Up:

Phase 1:  Prone Position Breathing (60-120s)

Perform 1-2 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing and abdominal recruitment while on stomach. See video > here Initiate breathing with belly (feel it push into ground) > rib cage and then chest, instead of initiating with chest. This is an easy way to teach people diaphragmatic breathing. Breathe in and out of nose for approximately 15s each breath (5s inhale (belly falls) > 5 s hold > 5 s exhale. The purpose of this is to educate about the inhalation in the right order, which allows us to stabilize the core and prepare for the workout. As they continue to breathe they should feel the body relaxing.

Phase 2: Foundation Mobility Training (5 Min) Incorporate movements similar or the same as the workouts below Explain the need to be in good posture for optimal breathing efficiency, strength, endurance, balance, etc.  and to reduce potential injuries. With each movement incorporate breathing and make the movements flow.  If there are tight areas focus on those areas and continue to breathe.

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 40s work time, 5s rest, 6 sets for Phases 2

Phase 3: Core (Perform the following movements for 40s in a circuit with a 5s transition for 2 Sets


*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt

*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles

1.     Plank with Hip Ext (alt) *3B’s

2.     Prisoner Modified Supermans (Hold 2s) *Start with arms extended and bring elbows to back pockets *Legs straight

3.     Supine Horizontal Scissors *3B’s *Count 1-2-3-1à 1-2-3à2 as a group

Phase 4: Dynamic Movements (Perform the following movements 15 yards 2x each- jog back after each movement)

1.     Bear Crawl *Legs straight

2.     Ape *Sit into heels

3.     Crab (fwd & back)

4.     Frankenstein’s

5.     Butt Kicks

6.     High Knee Skips

7.     Weave

8.     Carioca

9.     Reaction Drill Lateral Shuffle: Low Intensity à Medium Intensityà High Intensity- 20s each

10. Reaction Drill Multi-Directional (Fwd-Back-Righ –Left): High Intensity: 2x 20s

Phase 5: Primal Movements -Perform the movements in wod below for 5 reps *Goal is blood flow, not max efforts

After Phase 5 boot campers find a partner and immediately transition to WOD. They can get water at any time on their own.

Perform the following strength-cardio exercises as fast as possible with good form for 2-3 rounds. Make sure each camper has a partner or small group to motivate and assist each other.

1.     Cardio: ¼ Mile Run/WalkàWithin ¼ mile perform Pikes-20 *Toes to hands with straight legs- modify with tuck jump (knees barely of ground- jackknife)

2.     Cardio: ¼ Mile Run/WalkàWithin ¼ mile perform Squat Jumps- 20 or Step-Ups on Bleachers- 20 leading with each leg

3.     Cardio: ¼ Mile Run/WalkàWithin ¼ mile perform Hindu Push-Ups- 10 & Dips-10

4.     Cardio: ¼ Mile Run/WalkàWithin ¼ mile perform Walking Sprinters Lunges – 20 leading with each leg

5.     Cardio: ¼ Mile Run/WalkàWithin ¼ mile perform Rows or Partner Pull-Ups- 20 *Need equalizers and use Railings on Stairs

6.     Cardio: ¼ Mile Run/Walkà Within ¼ mile perform Long Jump Burpees (chest should hit the ground)- 20

Repeat 2x. 3 if you want more J

Total Miles: 3.0 for 2 rounds

Circle Time-Cool Down Stretches: 5 min

Are you up for a challenge? Sign up for the 6 Week Boot Camp Transformation Challenge: Transformation

Your friend & coach,


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