
Labor Day Challenge Workout for You and Your Family!

I hope you are having an awesome Labor Day weekend!

Over 110 parents and kids came to the Carlmont High track for a Saturday Challenge Workout. I don’t know about you but I had a lot of fun. It was great to see you and so many families being active together.

Here is the Saturday Challenge Workout we did yesterday:

Warm-Up: Foundation Mobility Training & Dynamic Agility Warm-Up (15 Min)

(Perform the following movements for 30s in a circuit with a 10s transition for 2 Sets
1. Partner Lower Ab Curl/Pelvic Lift
2. Partner Push-Up Hold with Opp. Hand High Five Push (Hold push for 3s)
3. Partner Sit Up with Opp. Hand High Five Push (Hold push for 3s)

Main Workout:
Perform the following circuit as fast as possible for 30 minutes. Ideally, work with a partner or small group to motivate and assist each other.
1. 10 Jumping Jacks
2. 10 Plank Up-Downs (10 each side)
3. 10 Squats
4. 10 Rows
5. 10 Backwards Lunges with Arm Reach (10 each side)
6. 10 Burpees
7. 10 Bleacher Jumps
8. Cardio: ¼ Mile Run/Walk *Every other run carry a kid/adult if you can for ½ the lap
Repeat for 30 min

Remember, we will be CLOSED this coming Monday for Labor Day, but I have a CHALLENGE for you below!

The goal is to get the challenge done as fast as possible with good form, then post your time on our Facebook fanpage: Shamp’s Boot Camps

Here’s your Monday Challenge Workout of the Day (WOD):

Labor Day Fitness Challenge

Do all five rounds in the shortest time possible (again with good form)… If ya can’t finish it, SUCK IT UP (kidding) do as much as you can.

The pushups, squats, jump squats and burpees go up for 3 sets then down for 2 sets…
Everything else stays the same each set.

First Round
10 pushups
10 squats
10 jump squats
10 burpees (no push -up)
20 lunges (10 each side) Each step = one lunge)
50 crunches
20 jumping jacks

Second Round
15 pushups
15 squats
15 jump squats
15 burpees (no push -up)
20 lunges (10 each side) Each step = one lunge)
50 crunches
20 jumping jacks

Third Round
20 pushups
20 squats
20 jump squats
20 burpees (no push -up)
20 lunges (10 each side) Each step = one lunge)
50 crunches
20 jumping jacks

Fourth Round
15 pushups
15 squats
15 jump squats
15 burpees (no push -up)
20 lunges (10 each side) Each step = one lunge)
50 crunches
20 jumping jacks

Fifth Round
10 pushups
10 squats
10 jump squats
10 burpees (no push -up)
20 lunges (10 each side) Each step = one lunge)
50 crunches
20 jumping jacks

*****Totals For Labor Day Challenge!*****
70 pushups
70 squats
70 jump squats
70 burpees
100 lunges
250 crunches
100 jumping jacks

POST YOUR RESULTS on our fan page–> Shamp’s Boot Camps

Monday, we are picking the winner of the 6 Month Membership Giveaway for Shamp’s Boot Camps ($1300 Value). Non-members can enter to win here >>>
6 Month Membership Giveaway

Have a great day!

Your friend & coach,


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