
Learn About the 10 Day Detox on Thursday for my Online Coaching Program

Dales_Sale_MarchHappy Monday!
  • Dale’s Raw Foods Bars is having a Daylight Savings Sale until March 15th @ 9 PST. For more information and to order: Dale’s Sale. You must order from the special links on the SALES page of website.
  • Join Coach Mike King’s Obstacle Course Training Camp for a hands on approach to obstacle success. This six week program will help you avoid those dreaded burpees and impress your friends, as you overcome each obstacle with confidence. Session begins March 19th. Learn more and register here: Coach King 

  • Due to poor diets and fast lives, our kids are becoming ill at an alarming rate! If you missed The Children’s & Teen Health Summit, there are nearly 30 hours of expert talks available online and as instant downloads… just waiting to help you give your children incredibly healthy lives!The $47 event price will increase to $97 soon.
    Purchase the summit here: The Children’s & Teen Health Summit
  • New to Shamp’s Boot Camps? Take on the 6 Week Boot Camp Body Transformation Challenge–>  Challenge*Please note: The 5:15 pm boot camp session with Brien (Harbor Blvd location) on Monday and Wednesday nights are full at this time for NEW members.

  • Join us Thursday, March 12th @ 11:30 am PST for my Online Coaching Program. Cynthia Zurolo from Metagenics and I will discuss the 10 Day Detox.  I hope to have you at the session LIVE! Each coaching session is recorded if you can’t listen live. This program is for those who desire weight loss, fat loss, stress reduction, sleep improvement and an overall improvement in health & vitality.

    Local non-members and out of town subscribers can join the program and take advantage of our 50% OFF Promotion. For more go to–> 50% OFF Promotion

  • Join us Saturday, March 7th @ 7:30 am at the Edgewood/Canada Rd. Intersection for the FREE Trail Running Group. See the weekly Trail Running Schedule and Directions here: Trail Running Group

Your friend & coach,


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