
Miles 3rd B-Day Celebration…$100 OFF Boot Camp Programs (72 Hour Sale)

Happy Monday!

Today is a special day. Miles is 3! In celebration of Miles B-Day, new clients and those who have not attended a boot camp program in 6 months at Belmont, San Mateo and Burlingame (does not include Menlo Park) locations will receive $100 OFF.

The boot camps are $197/month for unlimited classes and $177/month if you commit for a year.

All Boot Camp programs include unlimited boot camp classes, my RESET Nutrition & Lifestyle Program, a 30- Minute Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching Session and a Fat Loss Power Shakes Recipes Report.

For a schedule of classes go to–> www.ShampsBootCamps.com

To get started with a boot camp, check the schedule above, pick a time and location and let me know by email here–> [email protected] you want in. Your first month will be $100 OFF!

This will be a 72 Hour sale, so let me know if you are ready to commit to yourself by Wednesday, February 13th @ mid-night.

I am now in 2nd place in the running for Best Boot Camp in the Bay Area on SF A List. Thank you to all that voted. If you have enjoyed the Boot Camp programs, can you please do me a big favor and vote for Shamp’s Boot Camps: Please Vote Here

The Trail & Hiking Group will meet Saturday, 2/16/13 at Waterdog in Belmont @ 7:30 am. For the Saturday schedule–> Trail & Hiking Group

February 23rd @ 9 am, will be the next Boot Camp Foundations class. This class is specifically for those clients new to the program and those who have injuries and limitations. We will focus on posture, mobility and how to modify and adapt the workouts for various situations. You will leave with home exercises and a better understanding of how to make the most out of the daily workouts. We will be at my newly remodeled group studio on Harbor in Belmont. To sign up please go here–>Boot Camp Foundations

Daisy Lopez, one of our newest Boot Camp Coaches also teaches Zumba. Would you be interested in a Zumba class on 2/23/13 @ 10:15 am at my Harbor Studio in Belmont? This would be a FREE class for all Shamp’s Boot Camps Members. Non-members can join for $10. Let me know if you are interested and we may add it to the schedule.

In this newsletter, you will see an article called “Make Fitness a Family Affair” and a Blackberry Chicken recipe below.

See my latest articles here: www.BrienShamp.com

Have a great week!