
My Spartan recovery workout of the day….

Brien Mike and kidsToday was my recovery day for training, but it hardly seemed like recovery.

We also had a recovery day in the boot camps today, which we have every Tuesday and Thursday.

On recovery days, we focus on core and cardio and do some additional mobility work. My objective for the campers is to recover from Monday and to prepare for our big Wednesday workout.

Generally the goal is not to go out of breath (although I broke my own rule today). You should also feel looser at the end of the workout than when you began.

Recovery doesn’t mean easy. It means less volume or intensity or both.

The body can only deal with so much stress and it doesn’t know the difference between mental/emotional stress and that of exercise or too much sugar or wheat. Too much of a good thing, even exercise can lead to additional stress onto the body.

Today the intensity was high for my 5 mile run, but low for duration. Thursday will be a 13 mile run, so higher volume.

My training partner Mike and I also did the following supplemental core work to prepare for the Spartan World Championship in Vermont on September 20th. Our supplemental workout was high volume, but lower intensity compared to our Monday and Wednesday workouts.

Here is a video of the workout–> Spartan Workout 9/10/13

Here is the Workout of the Day (WOD):

  1. Rip Trainer Hockey Shot: 2×20 each side
  2. Rip Trainer Low to High Punch: 2×15 each side
  3. Rip Trainer Row: 1×20 each side
  4. Rip Trainer Row with Squat: 1×15 each side
  5. Rip Trainer Chest Press: 1×15 each side
  6. Rip Trainer Chest Press with Jump: 1×10 each side
  7. Battle Ropes- Egg Beaters and Snake: 2 sets to fatigue each
  8. Kettlebell Farmers Walk: 2x 2 min
  9. Tire Flips and Tire Pulls: 2 sets each back & forth
  10. Lateral Monkey Bars: 2x back & forth
  11. Lower Ab Curl with Hang: 2x fatigue

5 mile run @ 9 mile/hr pace at waterdog in Belmont (lots of hills)

Done for the day. Need sleep!

I only need 116 more votes to move into 4th place, so I can share my story on obstacle racing on NBC. Can you please vote for me here ASAP–> VOTE HERE

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Your friend & coach,


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I work with those who desire weight & fat loss, pain reduction and stress management through comprehensive exercise, nutrition & lifestyle strategies. My dream  is to coach those who seek my help live their passions with happiness & love.

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