
Now Is The Time For Change!

Happy Thursday, March 1st!

Now that we are in March, how about reflecting for a few minutes on your 2012 so far? How is it going?

Are you:

  • Exercising daily?
  • Eating every 2-4 hours?
  • Drinking at least 64 oz of water each day?
  • Limiting sugar?
  • Getting enough sleep?
  • Spending enough time with the family?
  • Planning and preparing your meals?
  • Making time for you?
  • Doing your well needed meditation?

These are some of the conversations I have with my private coaching clients each session that are the keys to stress management and fat loss.

I encourage you to take the time right now to figure out what areas above you need to work on and make it a goal for March. Although faulty habits can be changed at any time, it gets harder to create change as the year progresses. There is no time like the present to look and feel your absolute best. Most likely, work will not get easier and the kids schedule will always be hectic. Now is the time!

I would love for you to take one of my exercise programs to achieve your daily movement goals, but the reality is…they are not for everyone. Commit to something you enjoy and do something daily. Sitting and working on that computer will kill you over time.

If you want a fast & safe way to change your nutrition & lifestyle habits, check out my 10 Day or 21 Day Detox Programs. In April after Easter weekend, I will be doing another 10 Day Group Detox Program. Last year, I had over 100 people on the program at the same time and many achieved awesome life-changing results. Check out the testimonials here: 10 Day Detox

In this newsletter, you will see an article called “Understanding Exercise-Induced Weight Gain” and a Creamy Tuna Salad recipe below. Check it out and let me know what you think.

I made a few website changes. Let me know what you think and see the latest articles: www.BrienShamp.com

Have a great rest of the week!
