
Space is Filling Fast for the Six Week New Year Revolution Challenge (Starts Monday)

ny revolution

If you saw the last email I sent you on the 2016 – 6 Week – New Year’s Revolution Program,then you know why most weight loss resolutions fail.

Resolutions generally suck, they’re a total waste of time with a 92% failure rate.

I decided to create an anti-resolution weight loss program called “The New Year Revolution Challenge” to make this year the very best!

Now, one thing you should know is that the program is pretty much full. The Belmont Fit Body Boot Camp on Harbor Blvd @ 5:30 am & 4:30 pm are at capacity. I only have room for a few more serious people who really want to lose weight, reduce body fat and get in shape this New Year.

Here are the details of the Six Week New Year Revolution Challenge, so you can decide if it’s right for you…

-I’ve designed the program to overcome the four fail factors mentioned above.

-It’s a six-week body transformation program specifically designed to burn fat and tone muscles while you workout with me and then give you the coveted “after burn” effect so you can burn more fat once you leave here.

“After burn” is the state of heightened metabolism that takes place after a really good workout using the right formula. In fact, it’s scientifically proven that you can go into after burn and torch more calories for as much as 48hours after a workout.


-Each workout session is designed to put your body into “after burn” to help get the most fat loss during the six-week program.

-Here is the best part… I want to make sure this program is within reach of anyone who wants to lose weight, burn fat, tone up, get support and reach your ideal weight.

-The New Year weight loss Revolution starts on Monday, January 11th.

So, since the program starts this Monday January 11th, and since there’s room for only a few more people on the program, I suggest that you sign up here to let me know you want in on the Revolution!

If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 650-654-4604.

Talk soon,

Coach Brien

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