
Thank you!

I hope you are having a great Football Sunday!

I wanted to send you a quick Thank You for being part of my community and allowing me to share what I have learned. Hopefully the information I send weekly will help you speed up the process for your health & fitness goal achievement.

Whether you are an email subscriber, boot camp member, detox client, personal training client or one of my coaches at the boot camps or trainers at the studio, I am grateful for you.

I appreciate your support in the voting process for the Spartan TV event. I am now in 5th place. Hopefully I will get picked soon, thanks to you!

I love helping you succeed and there is nothing else I would rather do. It is great waking up in the morning excited to see you all (and this is even at 5 am 🙂 )

Given we have a new Foster City Boot Camp (and we have the room), if you or someone you know is motivated to improve their health & fitness, but can’t afford the program, I am looking for the right people to give a 6 week scholarship.

Given I have been in a state of need, I want to help others who are in need.

I will give scholarships to those in need if they send me a short essay on why they want and need the scholarship.

Please do not apply for this scholarship if there is not really a financial need given you may take the place of another who is more in need.

I am looking for those who are struggling right now with life: single mom’s, unemployed, etc. I would like to help get these folks back in balance with education on nutrition and lifestyle choices to reduce stress and anxiety. They will also receive a daily, structured exercise program.

In exchange for the scholarship I would like you to post your progress on our Facebook page, weigh in weekly, input your measurements in our body composition software, take a pre and post photo and be open to sharing your 6 week results.

Scholarships will be given for the following programs:

Foster City Boot Camp: 5:30 am, 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm

Belmont Boot Camp: 8:30 am

Burlingame Boot Camp: 6:00 am

Please do not email me about other programs or class times.

Please send me essays ASAP and share with your friends and family members. I want to help as many people as I can achieve their optimal health & fitness.

If you are not yet part of the program, check out the latest programs here: www.ShampsBootCamps

Thank you again!

Your friend & coach,


P.S. Please share my educational content with your friends and family and help me reach my goal of 10,000 subscribers.


Join me on Facebook (click here) for answers to all your health, fitness, and nutrition questions.

Please Write Me a Review on Yelp: Belmont Boot Camp, Burlingame Boot CampShamp’s Studio Boot Camps


I work with those who desire weight & fat loss, pain reduction and stress management through comprehensive exercise, nutrition & lifestyle strategies. My dream  is to coach those who seek my help live their passions with happiness & love.

Thank you for allowing me to help you.


Check our life-changing fitness and nutrition programs to help you live your healthiest, fittest, and most energetic life ever!


Personal Trainer, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach

www.10 DayDetox.com
