
The TOXIN That Is Destroying Your Body

Happy Friday!


Before you grab your next diet soda, I have some chilling news for you regarding a harmful toxin in your favorite diet drink.

MUST Read = = > Is This Killing YOU?

There is growing evidence that this one thing is slowing destroying the health of EVERYONE who consumes it:

The TOXIN That Is Destroying Your Body

This news is so important that it could protect your health and save your life – or someone else’s – so please forward this email to everyone you know.

The article doesn’t tell you what to use instead of this toxin.

If you really need a diet soda, the healthiest one seems to be Zevia, sweetened by Stevia.

Stevia is a small shrub that is a member of Asteraceae family of plants, more commonly referred to as the “sunflower family.” This all natural sweetener is commonly used in powder or liquid form to heighten sweetening intensity and improve taste. In its highly purified form, it has sweetness between 250 to 350 times that of an equal weight of sugar but with no calories and no effect on blood glucose levels!

If you want a healthy sweetener for your coffee, smoothies or tea, I recommend using the liquid form of Stevia so you can control your dosage.

Your friend & coach,


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www.10 DayDetox.com
