
URGENT (The New Year Revolution Challenge is READY) FREE WEEK For Action Takers!

Every year I get excited about the start of the year because I can feel an energy shift from neglect to possibility.

You are ready for something new and you are ready for change for the better.

My passion is to be your assistant on your journey and just so you know, I want something better also.

I am constantly trying to figure out how to get RESULTS faster and safer for both you and for me.

I have hacked my 6 Week – New Year’s Revolution Program and I’m freaking stoked!

Did you know that 90% of people fail at their New Year weight loss resolution and end up right back where they were when they started, or worse – fatter?

There are four main factors why most people fail at their New Year weight loss resolution:

  1. Your goals are probably un-realistic and so you’re already setting yourself up for failure.
  2. You’re unprepared. Sure you have a general idea that you want to lose weight. But you most likely do not have a game plan.
  3. Your goals are unclear.
  4. You lack support. Because the going WILL GET TOUGH and your support system is what will see you though to your goal.

Given their failure rate, I am not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions.

I have a ton of clients who I help lose weight and get in better shape every day of the year (my best transformations are actually in December). And one of the things I teach them from day one is that you can achieve whatever you want to achieve, whenever you want it.

You don’t need permission from anyone. And you don’t need to wait for New Year. Just like Dorothy in Oz, you have the power and have had the power all along.

So just dump the idea of resolutions and let me tell you about my New Year Revolution weight loss and get-back-into-shape program.

-I’ve designed the program to overcome the four fail factors mentioned above.

-It’s a six-week body transformation program specifically designed to burn fat and tone muscles while you workout with me and then give you the coveted “after burn” effect so you can burn more fat once you leave here.

“After burn” is the state of heightened metabolism that takes place after a really good workout using the right formula. In fact, it’s scientifically proven that you can go into after burn and torch more calories for as much as 48 hours after a workout.

-Each workout session is designed to put your body into “after burn” to help get the most fat loss during the six-week program.

-Here is the best part…I want to make sure this program is within reach of anyone who wants to lose weight, burn fat, tone up, get support and reach an ideal weight.

Now, typically my training programs range from $227 – $1000 for four weeks. But like I said, I’ve priced this program within the reach of anyone who is ready to transform their body….

Yes, I’ve priced it very affordably, only $154.

That’s not only a good deal, it’s a crazy good deal!

-The New Year weight loss Revolution starts on Monday, January 11th but if you sign up now you can start as early as tomorrow and get a FREE WEEK.

So since the program starts this Monday January 11th, and I already have over 500 clients that are not leaving, I can’t take on more than 18 people for this, and since it’s only $154 I’m guessing it’s going to fill up FAST because I’m sending this email out to thousands of people on my email list.

Here’s what you need to do now…

Just sign up here to let me know you want in on the Revolution!

If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 650-654-4604.

Fair enough?

Your friend & coach,


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P.S. There is one small thing you must do to qualify for this six-week weight loss fitness program. You have to promise me to NEVER have a New Year resolution again, okay?

Because YOU can achieve anything you want, whenever you want!

Sign up here and let me know you want in on the Revolution! Hurry because the program starts Monday January 11th and there are only 18 spots available.

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