
You’d never guess what this helps with

This month I’ve been talking a lot about building more energy into your life – the kind of energy that helps you power through your days feeling great!

But there’s one way to get more energy I have to bring up because I see it at work EVERY single day.

It’s the people you surround yourself with (in-person or virtually).

Having a strong support system can truly be a gamechanger in your success.

Because not only do you get encouragement and support, but you’re able to give it to others … and that’s incredibly rewarding!

I wouldn’t be where I am today without my inner circle. 

They have helped me to stay on track when I fall off, given me encouragement when I need it the most, celebrated my wins with me, helped me troubleshoot when I get stuck, and have truly improved the quality of my life!

I’ve got some tips on setting yourself up with a GREAT support network, but first …

Here are just a few benefits of having a strong support network:

●    It helps you cope with stress better
●    It helps improve mental health
●    It can make you more confident
●    It helps you stick with your healthy habits
●    It cuts your risk of heart disease, including lowering your blood pressure
●    Plus, it’s a great way to make friends, share some laughs, and have fun!
Pretty important stuff. A lot of people underestimate the power of your inner circle. 

If you’re looking to expand your support network, I’ve got a few tips that can help!

●    Join a health & fitness class or small group training 

●    Join an online fitness/wellness group. If you’re not a member of ours yet, you can join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/betteru2022

●    Volunteer. Pick something you care about and find a way to get involved. You’ll meet like-minded people.

So if you’re looking for a coach or to get support from people who will ALWAYS have your back, help keep you on track, and have your best interest in mind…
Check out our upcoming “IAM A PRIORITY” Coaching Program starting Monday!

We help our amazing Mom’s get their groove back, feel confident and sexy again, get back into their skinny jeans and reduce their muscle & joint pain, by improving work-life balance, conscious breathing, digestion, hormonal balance, hydration, sleep, movement and more with a few daily & easy self-care rituals (our 7 Daily Primal Needs- I AM A Priority Coaching Model).

Learn more here: https://www.iamapriority.com/

Committed to Your Success,

Coach Brien Shamp

