
A NEW Beginning! Happy New Year! A Personal Message from Coach Brien

Hey gang,

I hope you are getting yourselves ready for a great New Year’s Eve and an even better New Year! That is exactly why I am writing you before mid-night because… this is a big deal. This is a big moment in your life (and mine too).

Tomorrow is 2017, a new year and a new chance to have the greatest year ever. You get to wipe the slate clean and start FRESH on your promise to yourself to be fitter, leaner and healthier.

I want you to know I am here to help you do just that! Be healthier and happier in 2017 than you ever have before!!

But first, we must get through tonight. It is my wish that you have a great night of fun and reflection while you wish 2016 a fond farewell. Have fun, but above all remember to be safe. Once the sun rises tomorrow a new chapter begins.

One of my mentor’s Craig Ballantyne recently gave some great advice I’d like to share with you:

“Make a plan, not excuses. Change your expectations & demand the best. Commit to making the right decisions. Squirm and struggle if you must to do what is best for you in the face of temptations. Have a plan with 2 solutions for every obstacle that the world will put in your way tonight, tomorrow, and for the rest of 2017.”

And there is one other saying that I find helps keep me motivated and focused on what I truly believe to be important:

  • No Pressure …. No Diamond
  • No Irritation …. No Pearl
  • No Struggle …. No Butterfly
  • No Endurance …. No Success

Whatever challenges the new year brings, face them head on. Be fearless and relentless in the pursuit of your goals and your happiness.

I have some big goals to help even more people in 2017!

Today I got the keys to our new Boot Camp location at 866 N. Delaware St in San Mateo. This has been a long time coming. We will offer early morning sessions at 530 am and evening sessions starting at 430 pm. My goal is to open no later than Feb. 1st!

We will continue to offer transformation challenges throughout the year and the first one starts January 16th. We are bringing back the 6 week Little Black Dress Project, so ladies get ready. I am adding a $1000 prize for the best transformation so bulk up now 🙂 We will have our orientation on Saturday, January 14th at 10:30 am. Please save the date. More details to come soon. Guys, I will create a transformation challenge for you also 🙂

Nutrition will always be a focus. I have been doing nutrition coaching since 1999. That was the year I realized the importance of nutrition and won the Met-Rx World’s Best Personal Trainer Contest. 3 of my clients had outstanding 12 week transformations and their nutrition was the key to their success!

We will continue to provide nutrition education for all of those that take part in our boot camp program and provide even more education with a new nutrition membership site that Dr. Heidi Dulay and I are working on.

Dr. Heidi and I will continue our Thursday Coaching calls and add more resources for you when you want it. The membership site will organize this content much better for your easy access. Although we include nutrition support with our boot camp programs, there are often times when more is needed.

I highly recommend a Detoxification Program (10 Day Detox,14 Day Detox or 21 Day Detox ) 1-2 x per year.

Next Saturday, January 7th at 10:30 am, we will have a New Year – New You Detoxification Workshop for all those who want to do a group Detox program. Cynthia Zurolo from Metagenics will review both the 10 and 28 Day Detox Programs, so you will be armed and dangerous when you leave to begin at any time.

Given the group I can lower the price considerably.

Normally the 10 Day Detox is $155 (including $40 for the coaching fee). For those that want to join the group detox it will only be $95.60. You will receive free coaching and be part of a like-minded community.

Purchase the 10 Day Detox Program online here: 10 Day Detox

If you want a longer detoxification program and the 20% off price with the free coaching consider the 28 day program here: 28 Day Detox

*Products will be delivered to your home
*All Metagenics products are 20% off till January 15th at midnight.

When you purchase the detox program online, send me an email and let me know if you are attending the group detox event on Saturday, January 7th at 10:30 am (603 Harbor Blvd, Belmont). For those out of town we can have a phone session on Saturday at 12:00 noon.

A relatively new focus for me and more important than fitness and nutrition is one’s psychology. Tony Robbins says that regardless of the goal it’s 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. I have been coaching the mechanics of fitness and nutrition for 26 years with great results.

January 2017 will be my 27th year coaching clients to improve their health & fitness and I don’t want “great results.” I want OUTSTANDING RESULTS for you and me. To get outstanding results we have to master the mind. Mastering the mind is the difference between someone who signs up for my boot camp program or detox program, puts in the work and achieves outstanding results and another who signs up but doesn’t prepare and quits.

Every program has success stories, but many say the same old story…”I have tried everything.”

Maybe it’s not the program??? Maybe it’s you. Fitness, nutrition and taking care of YOU are easy with the right mindset, but it does take a new approach that most of us haven’t learned. I will continue to focus on the psychology as my number one priority and coach you how to get better results with anything you want to accomplish.

Back in September 2016, I created a weekly, beta test, small group nutrition & lifestyle coaching program called the Next Level Mastermind Program
and we continue to meet each Friday at noon. I look forward to the coaching session each week. It has been amazing to be part of the growth of each person in the group and the supportive community we developed.

Starting January 6th, I will have an opening for 3 people at this time with me.

We will also create a few more small groups at other times with Coach Anne and Kevin. I am very excited to have them as part of the coaching team! Anne has a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology and Kevin is certified in 4 nutrition and fitness programs.

This Next Level Mastermind Program came about because a lot of you have been asking for a more advanced nutrition & life coaching program and more accountability to help you get to the next level. In this group we focus heavily on the psychology needed to be fit and healthy. If you want to go to the next level check out the program here: Next Level Mastermind Program

2016 has been an outstanding year of personal growth and contribution. I thank you for allowing me to share and coach you towards a better you.

Wishing you the best in 2017!

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Your friend & coach,


Try out the Fit Body Boot Camp Afterburn Workout for 21 days. You’ll see why we’re rated the best in the Bay Area! 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Program Boot Camp Trial

Fit Body Boot Camp is the only 30 minute group personal training program that’s fun, affordable, gives you fat loss results and challenges your body every time. Best of all, we guarantee you’ll be happy with the results or you get your money back.

The boot camp sessions are approximately 45-50 minutes long. Each session includes a 10-15 minute warm up phase with mobility and core movements to prepare you for the 30 minute metabolic workout, and then it ends with a 5 minute cool down phase.

Telephone: 650-654-4604
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