
Are You Up For The Challenge? (Or, Do You Need Rest Like I Did?)

Hey there,

I apologize to my boot campers for missing today’s challenge workout. I am back in SoCal at the Fit Body Boot Camp Mastermind with some of the top Boot Camp owners in the world.

I received a few emails today letting me know that today’s workout was a doozy and you liked the challenge. Some said some other things also 🙂

Speaking of challenges, I committed to The World’s Toughest Mudder 2012 in New Jersey on November 17th. This is a 24 hour event and the goal is to complete as many rounds as possible. One round is 8 miles with about 40 obstacles per round, including the Kiss of Mud, Boa Constrictor, Artic Enema and Ball Shrinker. Doesn’t this sound appealing? Here is a video of the event last year: http://youtu.be/xzfRgz-q3KY

I am really not made for this kind of event, but at this time in my life I feel I am up for the challenge.

Are you up for being challenged? Can your body handle it?

Only a short time ago, I didn’t even have the energy or motivation to exercise myself, which lasted for about 3 years. Even one year ago, I barely had the strength to walk my kids up my hill.

Fitness has been part of my life since I was 12 years old. This is when I received my first gym membership to Dennis Nelson’s in Redwood City, Ca. I fell in love with weight training because it made me feel good about my body. I got bigger and stronger and it gave me the attention I needed at the time. I continued to train hard throughout the years to both look my best and to optimize my baseball performance. I worked out about 4-5 hours per day until I was 21 years old (like most college athletes).

Many of you know my story about my past business and the stress that I encountered working 15 hour days, most days of the week. If you are new to my BLOG and want to know more about my stuff, see my story here: PAIN

2007-2010 were probably the hardest years for me. I was married in 2007, we had a new baby in 2008, my business took every ounce of energy from me, I had little time for myself and family, we had another baby on the way and finances were becoming more challenging each month.

My life felt out of control and my needs were not being met. I couldn’t even find the time to exercise and I was coaching others on the importance of exercise and stress management techniques.

It really is much easier to tell others what to do than to do it yourself 🙂

It wasn’t just a motivation issue…I was done. I gave so much to everyone and everything else in my life, I lacked the energy for myself and my symptoms of depletion, lack of motivation, increased belly fat and muscle loss were a reflection of my lost priorities of self.

A lot has changed since 2009. 2010 was my transformation year. I moved on from my old business model and simplified my work to primarily focus on Boot Camp Programs and Detoxification Programs. I just finished my 3rd year of Spirituality Programs at Mercy Center and I am excited to be in the first year of the Spiritual Direction Program in the fall.

It has been a journey, and I have been gradually prioritizing myself again to get my needs met. I was told by my Spiritual Director that I must take care of self, so I can be at my best when I work with others. Otherwise, she said I am cheating those that are coming to me for guidance. These words and others by those closest to me have really made me think about the choices I make every day. The choices we make can lead to pain or healing and I choose to heal after years of stress and pain.

I share this story mostly because I want you to know that prioritizing self is really hard for me also. Many think I work out all the time and never cheat with my nutrition, so now you know. The main difference between myself and others who are still feeling out of control with life is that I reached my tipping point for pain and gratefully, I had the education, resources and drive to move on.

Long story short…I am ready mentally and will be ready physically by November for the challenge.

I am excited to step things up even more to prepare for this event. I needed something to commit to, in order to keep me motivated to workout, eat well, go to bed earlier, live a healthier life just like you! My goal for the next 5 months is to reach my highest level of performance, so I will do everything I can to make it happen.

And, it is my 40th B-Day on November 19th. I felt I needed to do something special, so this will definitely be a b-day to remember.

Lastly, one thing I have learned about myself which working with others over the years has reinforced is the fact that I absolutely need a team to help me every step of the way. I will schedule my runs and hike with my training partners and family. I will also schedule massage, acupuncture, chiropractic care, colonics, lab testing and do a training with Tony Robins in July to improve my mindset.

If you have trouble sticking with nutrition and exercise programs and tend to fall of the wagon like I do, maybe you need a buddy or a team also. If so, check out Fat Loss Tip # 30- Don’t Try To It Alone!

You might not be ready for the World’s Toughest Mudder, but you may be ready to incorporate some movement in your life. It shouldn’t be strenuous if you are in a stress cycle; however, movement can be very healing if done the right way for you. Contact me if you would like to set up a free 30 minute consultation to chat about your goals and a plan of action to achieve them.

Your friend & coach,


Try out our Fit Body Boot Camp Afterburn Workout totally FREE with unlimited sessions for 7 days: 1 Week Boot Camp Trial Info

Fit Body Boot Camp is the only 30 minute group personal training program that’s fun, affordable, gives you fat loss results and challenges your body every time. Best of all, we guarantee you’ll be happy with the results or you get your money back.

The boot camp sessions are approximately 45-50 minutes long. Each session includes a 10-15 minute warm up phase with mobility and core movements to prepare you for the 30 minute metabolic workout, and then it ends with a 5 minute cool down phase.

Telephone: 650-654-4604
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