
Fit Body Boot Camp Burlingame Fitness Trainer 4/9/16: Saturday Core-Cardio Fun

Phase 1: Warm-Up: Perform 3 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing while lying supine: Diaphragmatic Breathing video
Lie on back and initiate breathing with belly > rib cage and then chest, instead of initiating with chest. Breathe in and out of nose for approximately 15s each breath (5s inhale > 5s hold > 5s exhale). Emphasize that campers do this upon rising and going to sleep and if they want an amazing shift in their state at any time, while breathing think about 3 things they are grateful for.

Phase 2: Floor Stretches (5 min) *Work on forearm/wrist mobility

Phase 3: *Review WOD below during Phase 2 & 3 as needed. Assign campers stations for the WOD below. After Phase 3 boot campers immediately transition to WOD. They can get water at any time on their own.

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 40s work time, 20s rest (transition time), 10 sets

Alternate the following 10 core-cardio exercises for 4 sets then move on to next two exercises. If ready before 20s do jumping jacks in place.

*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt

*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles

  1. TRX Pendulum Plank *In plank position, swing legs right to left *Keep hips up *3B’s *Tighten quads
  2. Cardio/Core: MB Kneeling Backwards Toss Against Wall (20s each side) * Back facing the wall *Rotate from core > throw ball against wall with straight arms > catch ball > Repeat *Hinge from hips *3B’s
  3. Swiss Ball Crunch *Support back with ball *Get extension over ball *3B’s *Tongue on roof of mouth *Go back to make harder, move forward to make easier
  4. Cardio: Ropeflex Standing Pull & Rotate: Ropeflex Standing Pull & Rotate Video *Stay close to device *Rotate from core *Feel feet connected to ground
  5. Prone Flutter Kicks *Toes to nose * Keep legs straight *Engage glutes
  6. Core/Cardio: APT Red Straps Lateral Shuffle (20s each side):  *Hinge from hip *2B’s *Avoid extending the straps full out
  7. Band Reverse Flys on 1 Foot (20s on each foot)  *Stand on disc/bosu if possible *3B’s *Squeeze shoulder blades at end range *Shoulders relaxed
  8. Cardio: Cross-Country Skier with Gliders *Opp. arm & leg *3B’s
  9. Battle Ropes: Standing Figure 8’s with Pivot *Make horizontal figure 8 with rope  *2B’s *Slight forward lean *Connect to ground *Shoulders back & down
  10. Cardio: Jumping Jacks 3B’s *Relax heels

Try out our Fit Body Boot Camp Afterburn Workout totally FREE with unlimited sessions for 7 days!: 1 Week Boot Camp Trial Info

Your friend & coach,


Fit Body Boot Camp is the only 30 minute group personal training program that’s fun, affordable, gives you fat loss results and challenges your body every time. Best of all, we guarantee you’ll be happy with the results or you get your money back.

The boot camp sessions are approximately 45-50 minutes long. Each session includes a 10-15 minute warm up phase with mobility and core movements to prepare you for the 30 minute metabolic workout, and then it ends with a 5 minute cool down phase.

*We now have express 35 minute sessions held every Monday and Wednesday at our main headquarters location, 603 Harbor Blvd., Belmont, CA 94002

Telephone: 650-654-4604
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Preview YouTube video Diaphragmatic Breathing Part 1
Preview YouTube video Ropeflex: Pull and Rotate Demonstration with Brien Shamp