
Fit Body Boot Camp San Mateo Personal Training 11/10/15: Holiday Transformation Challenge Day 37: Body Weight Flat Abs

Past Video of Workout: https://brienshamp.com/2013/05/08/fitness-training-san-mateo-5713-flat-abs-core-cardio-workout/

3 Phase Warm-Up: 

Phase 1: Warm-Up: Perform 3 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing while lying supine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-_NNCrrdus Lie on back and initiate breathing with belly–>rib cage and then chest, instead of initiating with chest. Breathe in and out of nose for approximately 15s each breath (5s inhale–> 5 s hold–> 5 s exhale). Emphasize that campers do this upon rising and going to sleep and if they want an amazing shift in their state at any time, while breathing think about 3 things they are grateful for.

Phase 2: Floor Stretches (5 min) *Work on forearm/wrist mobility


Phase 3: None


*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 40s work time, 10s rest, 4 sets


*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt

*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles

We will be doing 2 min of cardio followed by 4 core exercises and again for another set a cardio & core exercises for 4 rounds.

Perform the following core/cardio workout in a GROUP.  All core exercises are 40s each. There should be a quick transition as a group (10s) between exercises. *Take out some Gliders and MB’s so the group make things harder as needed

https://brienshamp.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.gifDescription: https://brienshamp.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.gif1.    Walk/Jog/Obstacles: 2 Min

2.    Supine Bicycle Crunch *Fingers to eyebrows *Elbow to opp. knee *3B’s *Look at abdomen *Lower legs to increase intensity

3.    Bridge Hold with Straight Leg Raise (20s Each Side) *Bring leg up and down with straight leg  *Keep hips up and stable *2B’s *To make harder, place MB/foam roll under arch of foot *Toes flexed *Hips level *Toes Up *2B’s

4.    Body Saw Plank *To make harder stack one leg on top of the other and use 1 glider *Shift weight front to back *Feet together *Squeeze butt *3 B’s

5.    Quadruped with Elbow to Opp. Knee (20s each side) *Get as much rotation as possible and look at hand at the top of movement *Knees hip width *Lock shoulders back & down *Relax shoulders *Attempt to push campers from side and emphasize stability and strength *Increase challenge by lifting knees

6.    Walk/Jog/Obstacles: 2 Min

7.    Supine Hip Opener Crunch *Start in supine position with arms overhead, 3B’s, hips flexed at 90 with legs extended, crunch up and reach through legs as the legs open *Legs come together while going back to start position https://brienshamp.com/2012/06/25/boot-camp-fitness-san-carlos-61912-21-day-bikini-body-core-cardio-workout/ (start of video has the hip opener) *Tongue on roof of mouth *Toes to nose

8.    Sea Turtle without the Legs *Start with arms overhead >>> externally rotate shoulders >>>finish with thumbs to thighs with palms up  *Chest up (Hold 5s) *Feet on ground *Relax shoulders by lifting collar bones

9.    Elbow Side Plank with Top Leg Knee Flexion/Ext  (20s Hold Each Side) *3B’s *Elbow under shoulder *Modify as needed *Shoulders back & down *Squeeze shoulder blades

10.  Prone Butt Pincher Hold with AB/AD *On stomach with knees open as wide as possible and heels pressing into each other *Lift thighs up hold, squeeze butt and bring knees in & out – squeeze knees at end

Circle Time-Cool Down Stretches: 5 min

Are you up for a challenge? Sign up for the 6 Week Boot Camp Transformation Challenge: Transformation

Your friend & coach,


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