
Fit Body Boot Camp San Mateo Weight Loss 12/2/15: Holiday Transformation Challenge Day 59: Upper Body/Speed/Agility/Core Workout

Old workout: https://brienshamp.com/2013/05/22/belmont-personal-training-boot-camp-52213-upper-bodyspeedagilitycore-workout/

5 Phase Warm-Up:

Phase 1:  Breathing Squats

Perform 1-2 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing and abdominal recruitment while performing breathing squats: Start by standing with feet shoulder width and everted. Initiate breathing with belly (let it fall) > rib cage and then chest, instead of initiating with chest > hinge from hips and lower hips to ground while exhaling* > inhale as you stand upright repeat *This is opp. of our normal breathing for loaded squats- this is like a ZEN squat *Breathe in and out of nose for approximately 10s each breath (3s inhale (belly falls) > 3 s hold > 5 s exhale and draw belly in towards spine) * As they continue to breathe, squat and relax, they should feel their hips lowering, heels going closer to the ground and hips opening.

Phase 2: Foundation Mobility Training (5 Min) Incorporate movements similar or the same as the workouts below Explain the need to be in good posture for optimal breathing efficiency, strength, endurance, balance, etc.  and to reduce potential injuries. With each movement incorporate breathing and make the movements flow.  If there are tight areas focus on those areas and continue to breathe.

Phase 3: Running Drills: Perform for 10 yards and then jog back to start:

*3B’s= Draw in belly towards spine, engage bladder muscles and tuck butt

*2B’s= Draw in belly towards spine & engage bladder muscles


  1. March: 2x *Focus on drive of foot- Toes up-land on ball of foot *3B’s *Goal is stride frequency- to increase number of strides in short distance (small stride length)
  2. High Knee Skip: 4x *Focus on drive of foot *3B’s *Goal is stride frequency- to increase number of strides in short distance (small stride length)
  3. High Knee Run: 4x *Focus on drive of foot *Work on leg turnover *3B’s *Goal is stride frequency- to increase number of strides in short distance (small stride length)
  4. Lateral Step: 2x Each *Athletic position-lateral step to right and focus on pushing off with left foot (repeat on other side after 10 yards). The goal is to push into ground as hard as posible. Jog back to startà Repeat for other direction.Stay low. *2B’s
  5. Lateral Shuffle: 2x Each *Stay low *2B’s *Relax heels
  6. Carioca: 2x Each *2B’s *Relax heels

Phase 4: Lower Body Circuit: Perform for 20 yards and then jog back to start:

  1. Walking Lateral Lunge: 2x  each side *Hinge from hip on each side lunge and attempt to get low *Drag trail leg > Jog back to start >Repeat


  1. Walking Single Leg Deadlifts: 2x *Bend from hip and try to touch ground *Alt. legs Jog back to start >Repeat *3B’s *Avoid rotating hips
  2. Inchworm > Spiderman (right foot outside of hand > left foot outside of  hand) > Deep Squat Position >Repeat (do left foot to hand first on next spiderman and repeat) 1x *2B’s *Keep legs straight with inchworm

Phase 5: Primal Movements: Review the WOD below for 5-10 reps *Goal is blood flow, not max efforts

*Review WOD. Assign campers stations for the WOD below. After Phase 5 boot campers immediately transition to WOD. They can get water at any time on their own

*Set Gym Boss or Interval App to: 40s work time, 15s rest, 6 sets

Strength Program: Alternate two exercises at a time for 4 sets before moving onto the next 2 exercises (6 exercises total) 40s per set with 15s transition

  1. Battle Ropes: Jumping Jacks *3B’s *Shoulders Back & Down
  2. Glider Roll-Out *Key is to move from hips *Push hands into ground and keep arms straight *Stay tight *3B’s *Shoulders Back & Down *Wide knees to make easier
  3. TRX Triceps Extensions & TRX Biceps Curls (20s Each)  *Keep Elbows In *Hold and Squeeze at Bottom of Movement for 1-2s *3B’s *Shoulders Back & Down
  4. MB Total Body Slams *Slam MB as hard as possible into ground *Follow through *Use whole body *2B’s *For those with shoulder issues bring ball as high as tolerated- from the forehead works to reduce strain
  5. Equalizer Rows (AKA Fat Man Rows) *Use 1 Equalizer *Bridge up & down to make easier- drive feet into ground *Look down to take stress off neck *3B’s *Tongue on roof of mouth *Studio: APT Band Wide Rows with Squats *Hands outside shoulders
  6. Equalizer Push Upsà Glider Pike *Perform push-up then glider pike *Equalizer is in lying position *3B’s *Shoulders Back & Down

Circle Time-Cool Down Stretches: 5 min

Are you up for a challenge? Sign up for the 6 Week Boot Camp Transformation Challenge: Transformation

Your friend & coach,


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