
Fat Loss Tip #22- Accumulate At Least 30 Minutes of Daily Movement

Happy Tuesday!

It was a cold one today in the Bay Area and I noticed a slight drop off in morning boot camp classes. I hope those of you that stayed warm in your bed got some movement today because we need to Accumulate At Least 30 Minutes of Daily Movement- Fat Loss Tip #22.

According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Adults need at least:

  • 2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (i.e., brisk walking, cycling, hiking, etc. at a conversational level of intensity) every week and
  • muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest,  shoulders, and arms).


  • 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (i.e., jogging or running at an intensity that you are breathing hard & fast ) every week and
  • muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest,  shoulders, and arms).


  • An equivalent mix of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic activity and
  • muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest,  shoulders, and arms).

The CDC states that 10 minutes at a time is fine, which is great for those of us that work long hours at a desk and need movement throughout the day.

They also recommend that greater benefits can be achieved with more intense exercise and a greater duration of weekly movement.

Source: CDC 

Here are a few models that will give you a total of 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity.

  • 10-minute brisk walk, 3 times a day, 5 days a week
  • 30-minute hike, 5 days a week
  • 50-minute bike ride,  3 days a week
  • 25-minute elliptical trainer, 6 days a week

75 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous movement is even easier to accumulate and may produce better fat loss benefits:

  • 25-minute run, 3 days a week
  • 37.5-minutes of basketball, 2 days a week
  • 18.75-minutes of swimming, 4 days a week

You also need to do a strength training program at least 2 times per week.

I am not a big fan of indoor cardio equipment or gyms for that matter. I have worked out in gyms/health clubs since the age of 12 and I, like many are over it.

Only a few years ago, if you worked out, you went to a gym or health club. Now, given the high sales atmosphere, club-like environment (pick up scenes), bodybuilding culture, lack of personal attention, un-educated trainers and lack of results, there are many more options to get your 30 minutes of daily movement.

In every city, you will see Boot Camps, CrossFit Studios and studios for Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts, Pilates, Yoga, Specific Sports Performance and more.

My boot camp programs are designed to meet your aerobic and muscle strengthening needs. 3 days a week will give you 180 minutes of moderate & vigorous aerobic conditioning, muscle strengthening, flexibility, mobility, core strength, enhanced posture, balance, body awareness, teamwork and fun. It is hard to get all those benefits on a treadmill or elliptical. Here are some of our workouts for you to try here: Total Body Workouts

If you are not into boot camps and the other options I listed above, there are plenty of other choices. There are running, swimming & biking clubs and races every week to keep you motivated and committed. There is also a new trend of challenge type races like Tough Mudder to entice us to continue our training for the challenge of it all.

Fitness has definitely evolved, have you?

There is no reason to be bored with the same old gym anymore. Did the health club industry really think they could distract us with the addition of television & internet on all the cardio equipment? Yes, I know it works for some, but it is still boring and generally less effective than walking, jogging, hiking or cycling outside.

Ultimately, the best form of daily movement is the activity you enjoy. Do your best to accumulate 30 minutes of daily movement. This should include self massage, stretching, mobility training, core work, aerobic work, muscle strengthening total body sessions, postural training, balance and stability exercises.

Lastly, remember, Fat Loss Tip #11-Shock Your Body.  Change up your workouts and you will avoid plateaus.

Your friend & coach,


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I work with those who desire weight & fat loss, pain reduction and stress management through comprehensive exercise, nutrition & lifestyle strategies. My dream  is to coach those who seek my help live their passions with happiness & love.

Thank you for allowing me to help you.


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www.10 DayDetox.com
