
Fat Loss Tip #21- The Need For Routine

Happy Monday!

I was talking with Belmont Boot Campers, Shawn & Mark today about how to get fast, fat loss change given all there is to do in life. Mark and Shawn are busy like everyone else, but they commit to early morning workouts.

We all have the same 24 hours in our day. How is it that some get so much more done than others?

This may be explained in part by Fat Loss Tip #19- What Are You Attached To? or Fat Loss tip #20- Commit To Something!

What we do with our daily blessing of 24 hours each day is the key. What came up for me in the conversation with Shawn & Mark was the Need for Routine – Fat Loss Tip #21.

Most people just can’t start a new exercise program or a dietary change and be successful. Life isn’t that simple.

For example, if you were to start a 6 am boot camp with us, you need to be asleep around 10 pm to be mentally and physically prepared for the workout. This requires a routine.

If you were to decide to improve your diet you need to plan and prepare food to eat every 3-4 hours and have healthy food for you around your home, office, car, briefcase or purse. This requires a routine.

Success in just about everything requires a routine.

Here is a daily routine that may help you achieve your fat loss goals:

  1. Drink 2 glasses of filtered water with lemon upon rising.
  2. Brush your teeth after the water consumption (I find it hard to drink water or eat post water consumption).
  3. Attend one of our workouts or do something physical.
  4. Eat approximately 1 hour post-workout – many have a successful routine of drinking a protein shake & BCAA’s because it is a simple and effective model for a post-workout meal.
  5. Drink 1/2 body weight in ounces of water throughout the day, but limit with meals.
  6. Eat every 3-4 hours after 14 hours of a fasting- never go hungry or full.
  7. Go to the store, farmers market, etc. as needed to prepare for the next day or half the week. Those who are successful tend to shop about 2x per week ore more. Fresh, local and organic fruits and veggies only last for about half the week.
  8. Prepare dinner and make enough for lunch the next day- this will save you time and money. Have you ever noticed how long it takes to get food at lunch? Do your best to avoid Whole Foods at lunchtime if you want to be efficient. However, as you know, Whole Foods is not the only place packed. Given our “busy” population, many are too busy to shop and prepare their meals, so they eat out all the time. This is time inefficient and not part of a good routine. Furthermore, you never really know what you are eating. It is hard to be successful when you are not in control of your food selection and preparation.
  9. Consider prepping your food before bed, so you will have it ready to go in the morning.
  10. Layout your exercise clothes for your workout and pick out your work clothes at night to make your mornings easier.
  11. Wind down in the evenings around 9:30 pm with prayer, meditation, journaling, bath, sauna, reading, self-massage, gentle stretching, etc.

The above routine is one model to improve efficiency. Modify it as needed, so you have your personalized routine for successful fat loss.

Contact us to set up a strategy session for our new personalized coaching program here: https://www.iamapriority.com/

Have a great week!

For past words of the week: Word of the Week

Your friend & coach,


Telephone: 650-654-4604

About Brien


P.S. Remember that I’m only a call or email away to assist you in all things health & fitness. If you are not yet one of my prized clients apply as soon as you can to schedule an interview for our new 21-day challenge starting soon!

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