
Month: December 2015

Athletic Performance|BLOG|Boot Camp Workout BLOG|Articles
Mental Edge|Articles
Personal Training|Articles
Weight Loss

Fit Body Boot Camp San Mateo Health Club 12/10/15: Holiday Transformation Challenge Day 66: Thursday Core – Cardio Flat Abs Workout

Similar Workout: https://brienshamp.com/2012/04/09/san-carlos-personal-training-boot-camp-4312-core-cardio-endurance-workout/ 3 Phase Warm-Up:  Phase 1: Warm-Up: Perform 3 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing while lying supine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-_NNCrrdus...

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Exercise & Recipe Library

Winter Sea Breeze Holiday Cocktail

INGREDIENTS: 1 oz. vodka (1/8 cup) 1 oz. grapefruit juice (1/8 cup) 1/2 oz. tonic syrup (2 tablespoons) 2...

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Athletic Performance|BLOG|Articles
Mental Edge|Articles
Weight Loss

Only The Back Label Counts

Never, ever trust the claims on the front of a food package. Claims like: heart healthy, whole grains, or...

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Athletic Performance|BLOG|Articles
Mental Edge|Articles
Personal Training|Articles
Weight Loss

Please Decide

If you’re like most people then reading this subject line was a little uncomfortable and you may have even...

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Athletic Performance|BLOG|Boot Camp Workout BLOG|Articles
Mental Edge|Articles
Personal Training|Articles
Weight Loss

Fit Body Boot Camp San Mateo Health Club 12/8/15: Holiday Transformation Challenge Day 64: Core – Cardio Blast

Similar past video: https://brienshamp.com/2013/06/05/boot-camp-fitness-trainer-san-mateo-6412-core-cardio-blast/ 3 Phase Warm-Up:  Phase 1: Warm-Up: Perform 3 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing while lying supine:...

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Athletic Performance|BLOG|Boot Camp Workout BLOG|Articles
Mental Edge|Articles
Personal Training|Articles
Weight Loss

Fit Body Boot Camp San Mateo Health Club 12/7/15: Holiday Transformation Challenge Day 63: 6 Station Fat Loss Rotation

Similar past workout: https://brienshamp.com/2013/05/24/san-mateo-fitness-trainer-boot-camp-52413-6-station-fat-loss-rotation/ 4 Phase Warm-Up: Phase 1:  Child’s Pose (1 min) >  Kneeling Groin Rock Position Breathing/Drawing...

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